Phantom Rings : S-Game Office

LYCS Architecture

LYCS Architecture was commissioned by S-Game, a leading Chinese independent gaming company famous for their "Phantom Blade" mobile game series, to design their headquarters in Zhongguancun science park, Beijing.

S-Game hopes to have an extreme office space as a "touchpoint" for the gaming world in the real world. The design team proposed the idea of "Phantom Rings" to bring the atmosphere of dreams in games to real life. The immersive office space features dark aesthetics and continuous curves that connect the game world and reality through space attenuation.

Using different levels of darkness, the designer created a rich texture and a sense of layering that extends infinitely, like stepping into a world of shadows. Warm wood tones in tree-shaped canopy structures add clean and powerful curves to the space. The stacking layers with silver-white aluminum panels as sliced edges express the special moment as if an imagined energy field is being disturbed. The original site had low ceilings and many columns, which made it difficult to use as an office. These canopy structures encase the columns to address this issue, creating a visually continuous vertical extension and naturally formed gathering spaces, such as meeting rooms, reception, discussion, and recreational areas.

Considering sustainable development, we use wood veneer to stick the tree-shaped canopy structures body onto honeycomb aluminum panels instead of natural wood materials. This can reduce self-weight and structural components, and it can also reduce the use of glue and improve indoor environmental protection.

"Phantom Rings" is a meticulously crafted design that integrates every interior detail, from the paneling and seats to the pen holders and tissue boxes, creating a seamless and thrilling experience.