Piedmont Marcus Tower
Piedmont Atlanta Hospital, home of the Marcus Heart and Vascular Center and Samsky Invasive Cardiovascular Services Center is bringing a new face to its campus. The 16-story, 950,000sf tower will become the premier destination center in the southeast for cardiovascular care and enable the expansion of neuroscience and transplant services. The project’s substantial completion date is May 1, 2020. Some of the Sustainability and Material Innovation Highlights:
The Diagnostics and Treatment chassis has been intricately planned to plug into the existing framework while dramatically enhancing the facility and providing flexibility for the future. This design created a space that is more user friendly and organized.
Piedmont Atlanta Hospital pushed its construction timeline to meet the demands of the current global pandemic and crisis. The space planning & interiors of the clinical floors make it possible to adapt prep and recovery spaces to accommodate patient ICU beds given the need of the hour. All of the ICU and Acute care rooms are sized the same and could accommodate patients with minimal changes.
The Marcus tower leverages an uninterrupted glass curtain wall for its eastern patient rooms to provide free and abundant natural light throughout the day. On the western side of the tower, the design utilized punched openings to better control the solar heat gain in the afternoon while still providing abundant, natural daylight. The ends of the tower incorporated sunrooms that also significantly reduce the amount of artificial light needed in the tower.