Yuntai Ice Chrysanthemum Display Shelves
LUO studio
The design team chose a type of thin wooden panels featuring a high lumber recovery rate as main construction materials. Manufactured by a local timber factory, the panels have a sectional dimension of 60mm*10mm, and can be easily relocated and assembled by hand. Through bending the thin timber panels properly and then making them connected to the nodes by making use of the existing portal steel frames, a natural and vernacular spatial atmosphere was generated. The short section of each single portal steel frame is 15m in length and 6.5m in height. Through careful evaluation on the sectional scale, three sets of exhibition shelves are set underneath the steel frames, and four passages are arranged (each about 3.2m in net width) to make sure that in no event will the place be overcrowded. Thin wooden panels were selected to construct the display setting, and were presented in a way of simulating rural hand weaving craft (agricultural tools). The "wood-woven" display shelves reveal a handmade feeling and a diversity differentiated from industrial manufacturing, and convey the warmth of each piece of ice chrysanthemum, which is picked, sorted, dried and baked by villagers manually.